Need A Speaker Who's Actually Autistic?

Loren Snow
Autism consultant & Trainer
Hi, I'm Loren Snow: an autism trainer based in The South West of England.
I’ve spent the past decade studying mental health, psychology, relationships, identity, and just about anything to do with why we humans think and act the way we do.
I believe that we're all human, and make mistakes, fumble, fall, laugh, love - and despite our differences, we all share this same connection. I'm a strong believer in having the courage to be open and honest and that our truth and vulnerability can be powerful forces in showing us how connected we really are.

In my early-twenties I was diagnosed with Autism,
ADHD, and OCD.
For me, these were revelations, and all the strange ways I behaved started to make sense. But why in my twenties... surely someone should have noticed or said something?!?
As I came to learn more about autism I soon realised that my experience was all too common.

The reality is there are many complicated things around autism, such as echolalia, alexithymia, and proprioception;
there are many misconceptions in the media, such as autistic people lacking empathy; and there are many mis/un-diagnosed autistic adults out there like I used to be.
This made me decide that I should explain these things so others wouldn't have to struggle as I did.
Since then I’ve taught tens of thousands of parents of autistic children at every stage of the diagnosis process: from understanding EHCPs and other legal documents and reports, to understanding autism, learning how to connect with their children, to engaging with SALT, OTs, and all the other professionals.
In this work, I spent 3 years delivering Barnardo’s Cygnet, which parents get referred onto after their children’s diagnosis with Southern Brooks. I also delivered their courses on ADHD to parents for 2 years.
I have been working with Bristol Autism Support for the past 4 years teaching six-week ICB-funded courses to parents awaiting diagnosis, and classes on sensory processing and disordered eating.
I work with NHS England teaching NHS staff in hospitals, CAHMS units, PICU units, eating disorder units, and general health and social care staff.
I have been delivering The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training with The British Institute for Learning Disability and still deliver it with the National Autistic Society. By the end of April 2023 I'll be certified as a lead trainer on this too.
I also work in the NHS reviewing autistic patients’ care in psychiatric hospitals to get them back into the community or to prevent hospital admittance.
I’ve also worked with many organisations from transporting bodies to public health, employers, schools, and charities and I regularly speak at public events like conferences, on podcasts, and on the radio.
I’m passionate about improving the world for autistic people and so the list of what I’ve done/ trying to do is long.
Basically, since I got my diagnosis about 8 years ago I haven’t stopped and even before then I was training to work in mental health to make a difference to people’s lives.
My YouTube videos have also been watched by tens of thousands!
I've taught thousands of parents of autistic and ADHD children and teach regular courses to parents and autistic people.
I see many businesses confused about how to help, parents lost on what to believe, and autistic people struggling to understand themselves.
So what better place to learn about autism than directly from an autistic person like myself!